Another similar game to Undertale

Author: Samuel Jin
Image result for life is strange wallpaperAfter I have played Undertale, I have been very interested in games that adapt to the player's decisions. These kinds of games make it so every player experiences a different storyline depending on their choices throughout the game. Another similar game to
Undertale, that changes its storyline continuously is 'Life is Strange.' This game is cut into 5 episodes that the player can play. When I finished all 5 episodes, rather than just a game-Life is Strange was an experience that changes the perspective of how you view life around you. The game is about a character named Max that goes to an art school. Max realises that there have been suspicious events around the school and one of the most unusual events is the awakening of her ability to rewind time. With the new power she has achieved, she thought that she was a hero that can save her friends from these unusual events. But as the players go throughout the story, they realise that Max is also a victim to these events and that no matter how much time she rewinds, another similar event happens. Whether it is her friends being abducted, committing suicide, or disappearing completely, every time she rewinds to fix the problem, another one occurs. The player experiences, with Max, the grief and sorrow that comes with seeing your friends suffer over and over again infinitely. And the most painful element of the game is that Max remembers every death and every timeline she rewinds. The game teaches the players that continually try to save their friends, that inevitable events that no one can stop will happen during life. Even if you had the power to rewind time, no one is above the consequences of fate. To the players that abandon their friends, the game becomes much shorter with less responsibility as the player has isolated themselves from the characters in the game. However, this also teaches those players the loneliness and despair of being alone. The game to both types of players teaches them that if you want happiness in life that they should help others the moment the chance occurs, rather than simply waiting for someone else to help or relying on a time rewinding power, because once the chance is missed then there are no ways to undo fate. Life is Strange is a message about how no one can escape fate.


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