Introduction blog post

Author: Samuel Jin
Hello! This is our blog for ISYS100 and we are going to be doing a blog on video games. It doesn't matter which game it is, as long as it's a video game we will start playing it and share it via this blog! We'll go to PC cafes together, play console games, and play newly released games and perhaps share some news of video games all through this blog. We'll post at least 6 blogs per author, and our authors for this blog are: Samuel Jin, Tiancheng Huang and Roger Zhang. Samuel mainly plays PC games as well as Tiancheng, whilst Roger on the other hand doesn't play games at all prior to this blog. So we have a newcomer and we can play new games together to introduce the readers of this blog and Roger to the world of video games :).


  1. Strategy games like dota, make the brain develop because you have to be aware of every detail in the game, anticipate the opposing team, think the odds that could make you win, among other things, it really is very entertaining and difficult.


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