Talk about the one champion that my favorite in League of Legends----Jax

Author: Tiancheng Huang
  Hey everyone! I'm back . Today, i'm gonna introduce my favorite champion in League of legends, it called grand master at arms, Jax. The role of this champion is fighter and assassin. And he can go toplane and go jungle. When Jax first came out he was very strong and even though can 1 vs 5.

 Firstly, I m talk about the abilities about the Jax:

  • His passive is called Relentless Assault, Jax's consecutive basic attacks continuously increase his attack speed. 

  • His Q is called Leap Strike, Jax leaps toward a unit, if they are enemy, he strikes them with his weapon. Also, he can use Q on the wards to escape or chase.

  • His W is called Empower, Jax charges his weapon with energy, causing his next attack to deal additional damage.

  • And The E is called Counter Strike, Jax's combat prowess allows him to dodge all incoming attacks for a short duration and then quickly counterattack, stunning all surrounding enemies.

  • Last one is the ultimate of Jax, it is called Grandmaster's Might. Every third consecutive attack deals additional Magic Damage. Additionally, Jax can activate this ability to strengthen his resolve, increasing his Armor and Magic Resist for a short duration.
About game play, this champion is very strong due to his passive, This is why Jax need attack speed. Let's talk about the items. BUT IT WILL NOT INCLUDE THE RUNES AND MASTERIES.
The main items for Jax is Trinity Force, Titanic Hydra and Blade of the ruined king, 
This is all what i want to talk about the champion, Jax.



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