Pokemon Sun and Moon

Author: Samuel Jin
Image result for pokemon sun and moon
On the 17th of November next month, gamefreak is said to release their new edition to the 3DS franchise, Pokémon UltraSun and UltraMoon! Due to this news, I have decided to buy a new 3DS, finally noticing that my old DS Lite from 2008 does not play the new 3DS titles. I am pretty sure everyone knows or at least has heard about Pokémon before, whether they are still interested in the game or have been in their childhood. Pokémon are creatures that players can catch, train and use for battles. I still remember playing the old Pokémon games including: Pokémon Gold and Silver, Pokémon Leafgreen, Pokémon Emerald, Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. I have yet to play the newer versions of the game which are: Pokémon Platinum, Pokémon Black and White, Pokémon X and Y. Now I have finished Pokémon Moon, I can say that gamefreak has gone a long way of changing the 2D sprites and basic animations of gold and silver, to 3D sprites that are animated and react differently to distinctive attacks. The Pokémon franchise has always had the same storyline-a young trainer that seeks to become the champion of the Pokémon region chooses their starter Pokémon and as their journey unfolds; they get confronted by an evil organisation that seeks to achieve salvation from Pokémon. I thought the use of a basic and plain storyline that is used for decades would come as boring, but the nostalgia felt whilst playing the game kept me interested in the plotline and small additional cut scenes in the game made me feel as if I was watching a movie rather than a game. I have noticed when I finished this that Pokémon Sun and Moon take significantly longer to complete, as my 18 hour playtime in Diamond and Pearl does not come close to the 25 hour playtime on Sun and Moon. However, once you have finished the main game I have realised that also compared to last games, the postgame is very bland and uneventful. It leaves nothing much to be done, and although the main storyline gameplay was splendid, the postgame left a negative impression after completing the game.


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