Super Mario Run

Author: Samuel Jin
Image result for super mario runFrom last week I have bought Super Mario Run on Android and attempted to find out how similar this game is to the Nintendo DS versions of the game. It is remarkable at how games that could only be played on consoles could now be played on handheld mobile phones. However unlike the Nintendo console versions of the classic Mario games, there are a lot of features that restrict the game. One of those restrictions being that the game is on auto run, similar to the game Temple Run. Mario runs through the world automatically, jumps and kills enemies automatically, and the only control that the player has is when Mario jumps and how he jumps. Furthermore due to a lack of control of the character Mario, there are frustrations with not being able to go back or stopping his run for a split moment as majority of the game is automatic. This game leaves much to be desired as a lot of the lower levels could be played with minimal user input which results into a bland and boring story mode. Furthermore since the storyline only goes for approximately 2 hours, it is a game that is extremely short which is forgivable since the game runs on a mobile phone. With a vast amount of negative comments about the game, the one feature that redeems this game is the multiplayer. The player is able to verse other players around the world and due to the competitive nature of multiplayer, the player is encouraged to remember every hidden buff in the specific map to help them beat their opponents.


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